Sunday, September 18, 2011

Home Emergency Generator

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A home emergency generator is a device that functions towards supplying adequate electricity to your house during the time of power outages. It facilitates the usage of all essential appliances during a black out. One can easily continue using heaters, air conditioners, refrigerators, lights and heaters.

A home emergency generator can be technically referred to as a device that converts mechanical energy in to electric energy. The AC power generators made specifically for household usage tends to use small engines in order to give out mechanical energy. The engine consists of a spinning shaft that is utilized to produce alternating magnetic field via a coil.

Home Emergency Generator

There are several things one needs to take into consideration when choosing a generator. Home generators are usually stationary or portable. These tend to run on a varied variety of fuels including diesel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), gasoline, natural gas (NG) and diesel.

It is surprising but true that you can easily get a 3000 W set for yourself for just about $300. However, the only problem with these is that these models provide very short time. You may require refilling the tank for about several times a day. This is especially true when you want to run them consistently at a rated load.

These are also not suitable for long-term backup because there may be problem in gas pumps during a total black out. In case, you are looking for a home emergency generator that will work well for long term emergency, you need to look for a standby set. These sets are efficient enough to provide consistent power as these they depend on an external source of fuel. These sets are also efficient enough to fuel portable devices from an external source. This helps you to benefit form extended run time.

The major difference between a portable and stationary source lies in the connection and activation of these devices. A portable device requires rolling out from the storage and connecting to loads. This is followed by filling of fuel or connecting to fuel source and starting the set manually.

A permanent standby generator can be started instantly by a just of a button or automatically. This is in contrast to all the effort that goes in to starting a portable generator. This is because a standby generator is already connected to the wiring of the house as well as to the fuel source. 

Home Emergency Generator

Automatic systems come with auto transfer switches that are capable of sensing a power outage. These can even isolate your electrical wiring or emergency circuits from the grid and start the system immediately. As soon as the power is restored, a standby system functions towards connecting you back to the utility lines and then turns it off. You do not require being present in order to activate it.  The usual transfer time of such a system is about 10-30 seconds. In case, you run a PC, you require UPS to prevent any king of data loss.

There are also other benefits of a standby home emergency generator other than automatic start facility. One of the major benefits include running of the system for an infinite period. These also provide higher levels of power as compared to portables. The power ranges from 3 KW to hundreds of KW.

All the above-mentioned benefits tend to make a standby home emergency generator, a perfect choice for long-term emergency.

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